Welcome to the Ollington website dedicated to research into the origins of the name and of the people who carry or have carried th e name. All of the following are known spelling variants of the name:
Allington, Alington, Aulington, Olenton
In addition to these, the name of Hollington is also linked. A number of Ollingtons (at least two brothers and possibly more) moved from Suffolk to the London area in the late 17th/early 18th century. At first these used the Ollington name but in the 1860s switched to Hollington, possibly because this sounded 'posher' in the Victorian east-end of London. There is also reason to believe that the name Alderton is also connected a a number of Ollington families in Suffolk oappear to have originated as Aldertons.
This website is dedicated to recording the research into all of these names and the individuals who carried the name.
The Ollington surname is likely to originate from the local place name from which it originates; i.e. from the place sof Allington and/or Alderton.
Much can be deduced about a name's origins by studying the population distribution and how this has changed over time. A more detailed assessment of the population distribution of the name can be found here.
Some data files can be found here
For further information, please contact me at admin@ollington.org